In-depth discussions of identification of North American trees
click on any links below to find more info on that topic or species
Most recent blog posts on trees
- The Mississippi Ornithological Society meeting May 3, 2016
- Altruistic trees! July 23, 2012
- Spruce, Fir, or Hemlock? February 26, 2011
- Identifying trees by color April 13, 2010
- The meaning of “two-ranked” March 30, 2010
- Original art of Sugar Maple March 1, 2010
- New page on Tree references January 19, 2010
- Variation in shape of Hickory nuts November 30, 2009
- Variation in fall color: Red Maple November 24, 2009
- A modern (holistic) approach to Tree Identification November 10, 2009
Introductory topics
An explanation of the philosophy behind the guide: A Modern (holistic) approach to Tree Identification
A list of minor editorial corrections
A list of species with opposite leaves
A post about fall leaf colors in conifers: Evergreens have fall color too
Variation in fall leaf color: Red Maple
A list of my most useful online references for trees
The above link for “A list of minor editorial corrections” is currently broken
It is https://sibleyguides.com/2009/10/corrections-to…guide-to-trees/
It should be https://sibleyguides.com/2009/10/corrections-to-the-sibley-guide-to-trees/
Thanks Kevin, It is now fixed.
Dear David, I sent my daughter Lauren,who is a biologist in the Everglades a copy of ” Trees” for Xmas. She got her thesis on Slash pines.Her comment on your book,”Sibley did a good job on the trees”. And you did. Good luck, Andy.
Any chance that Guide To Trees will be coming to the iphone/ipad any time soon?
Guide to Trees would be incredible on the iPhone!
May I ‘third’ that?
‘Fourth’ vote for Sibley Guide to Trees on iPad (for richness, for browsing at home) and iPhone (for use when walking and hiking).
It a very good idea converted the book about trees for Iphone and Ipodtouch. it will becomming very helpfull on the ground…
it a big must to do, it wiil becoming very great for every body ‘love’
end identify trees around us.
I wait for this very great tool
Thank you David it very nice and helpfull book about tress of North America………………….Peter Lane from Quebec City, canada
This would be great on a a Blackberry Playbook as well. Just the right size for hiking – big enough to read, small enough to fit in my jacket pocket.
David, The American Goldfinch molt progression is really nice. A slide show of these makes a timelapse of an entire year of molt in a matter of seconds. Thanks for posting!
oops. that was a draft and not supposed to be on this page at all. Glad you liked it, and I will try to get it posted the right way soon.
I was so happy to discover a friend’s copy of The Sibley Guide to Trees. The explanations are exceptionally clear. I found the book too heavy to take into the field and was excited about the prospect of getting it for my ipad. I hope an electronic version will be forthcoming. I noticed that most of the folks who said the same thing made their posts in 2010. At that time there was no reply.. Is there an update about an electronic version? Hope so! In the meantime I will get the print version to keep at home. –Marie, Cambridge, MA
Hi Marie, Thanks for your interest, I’m glad you like the book. There have been some dicussions about making an app of the Tree guide, and I’m hopeful, but nothing firm yet.
I would love the TREE GUIDE available in coffee table sized… I enjoy that book so much, I actually get excited when I see it sitting there when I come home, which is a reaction I’ve never had from a book before.
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