Bird Identification

Posture and shape distinguishes male and female Dark-eyed Juncos

Backyard Bird Discoveries While watching a small flock of juncos at my bird feeder on December 17, 2012, I noticed one particularly brownish female. Considering subspecies and watching it a little further I noticed that it seemed more active and alert, darting around quickly and holding its body more upright than the other juncos. Could this

Posture and shape distinguishes male and female Dark-eyed Juncos Read More »

Distinguishing immature (white) Little Blue Heron from Snowy Egret

These are the only regularly occurring herons that are truly difficult to identify, as immatures of these two species are variable in bare-parts color and distinguishing them can require very careful study. The best clue is foraging posture, which can be seen at any distance and is very reliable. Most individuals are fairly easily separated

Distinguishing immature (white) Little Blue Heron from Snowy Egret Read More »