New Art for Sale

On this page are examples of recently completed paintings. I will periodically post some original art available for sale in the shop.

Contact me with any questions.

SOLD. Pileated Woodpecker. Original gouache painting copyright David Sibley.
SOLD. California Condor. Original gouache painting copyright David Sibley.
SOLD. Northern Cardinal. Gouache on Bristol Board, 7 x 9″, copyright 2011, David Sibley.
SOLD. Hooded Warbler. Gouache on Bristol Board, 7 x 9″, copyright 2011, David Sibley.
SOLD. Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Original gouache painting copyright David Sibley.
SOLD. Lewis’s Woodpecker. Original gouache painting copyright David Sibley.
SOLD. Boreal Owl. Gouache on Bristol Board. Original painting copyright David Sibley.

14 thoughts on “New Art for Sale”

  1. These are very beautiful paintings David.
    I am an artist too I like to draw and paint birds and animals, landscapes and a variety of mix media
    I am fascinated by your fine work and detail

  2. Awesome work. I am in the field for work a lot and use your Sibley bird guides quite often. What types of brands do you use for your various mediums

    1. Thanks! I use mostly Winsor & Newton gouache on Strathmore Bristol Board. And relatively low-priced synthetic brushes. I haven’t experimented much with materials, this has always worked reliably for me.

  3. Terence (Ted) Mills

    I came across your website looking to identify what I now believe was a Red Shafted Flicker. Beautiful bird that flew right at me to land on the water and feeder. Big flash of red on underside of
    tail and chest, with a pink area around the black eye and covered with white and black feathers. I would like to explore having a picture painted of this bird but I need to know the cost for a 10 X 12 of this bird landing showing the beautiful undercover of its feathers.

    1. Hi Ted,

      Thanks for your interest. For 10 x 12 I would generally ask for slightly more than my standard commission, but it depends on whether I expect the painting to take more time. I’ll get in touch privately to discuss this.

  4. Have you ever considered painting some of the resident Neotropical birds? I would love to see your rendition of a Resplendent Quetzal.

  5. I am interested in a painting of a woodpecker. I saw you have two that are already sold. I live next to two woodpeckers whom I feel very connected with and love to hear their rythmic pecking. I feel they keep me company.
    Donna Ron, MHA, IBCLC
    Kibbutz Ein Harod Ichud

  6. Do you have any paintings of previously common North American extinct birds? Such as a Carolina Parakeet, Passenger Pigeon, Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, etc.

  7. Hello David,
    I would like to invite you into our 5th Birds of America Show this spring, April 20 – June 12, 2022.
    I am having to arrange this quickly, as a previous exhibit cancelled end of Jan because of Covid issues.

    I am looking for an email for you, and if I find one, will use that too.
    Many thanks,
    Francesca S. Anderson
    Francesca Anderson Fine Art, Portraits North ~ 38 Years in Business
    37th Almost Miniatures Show
    Dec 15, 2021 – Mar 12, 2022
    Wed-Sat 11-5pm Sunday 12-5pm
    56 Adams St., Lexington, MA 02420
    781 862.0660

  8. Hi David,
    I recently had a transmitter put on a Broad-winged Hawk in Ontario, Canada, by Hawk Mountain. I had it named after my late wife ‘Jennifer’. I have two photos of the bird, but I’d like to have you do a painting of this bird, and I need to know the cost for a 10 X 12 of this bird.

  9. I’d like to buy the Piliated Woodpecker new art. Please email me instructions on how to buy. I can’t seem to do so on the website.
    Your work is truly beautiful!


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