8 thoughts on “Bird names in French”

  1. Hi David
    Thanks, will keep a eye out for the update. Having both English and French available while on field trips is really valuable. I don’t always carry a book with me, and usually it is the wrong one (that is English).
    All the Best

  2. Hi, David,

    I was given a lovely print “nos bons petits Oiseaux”, Histoire Naurelle, Pl. 127. It looks like 19th century work. I’ve been able to find almost all of the birds shown there in your french birds list. Thanks! I cannot find “Le Niverau” in the list nor on Google. It looks something like a painted bunting in flight. I’ll be grateful for any help.

    All the best, Jim Monson

    1. Hi Jim,

      don’t know whether you’re still looking for the ‘nivereau’? It is an old French name for what is now called ‘niverolle alpine’, which stands for the White-winged Snowfinch (Montifringilla nivalis). Like many of the bird drawings on this print, it doesn’t look anything like the real bird 🙂 But nevertheless, I also love the print (of which I also received a copy) because of it’s historical character, and have just framed it and gave it a place on one of my walls. Just like you, I was looking for a translation of the French bird names, and by googling I ended up finding your question.


      Kelle Moreau, Belgium

    1. Thanks for letting me know. My site was hacked recently and all had to be reinstalled. There are still a few things to clean up, like getting tables to work again. I’m traveling now but hope to be able to get to this in a week or so.

      1. Hi David, its down again.
        You page is the only source I go to to get the names of birds in all 3 languages, English, French and Latin names.
        I never close it that’s how much I use it.

        Please let me know if you get it back up and running?
        I miss it.
        And thank you for all your hard work keeping us thirsty for more!!


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