New Folding Guides to birds

The Sibley Guide to Birds is now available in a series of eight laminated “folding guides” to birds. They can be found in many book and nature shops for $7.95 each, or ordered directly from Steven M. Lewers + Associates. The titles are listed below, clicking any of them will take you to the Steven M. Lewers + Associates web page for more details.

The guides are laminated and waterproof, 4 by 9 inches with six panels. The five regional titles cover about 70 species of the most frequently-seen landbirds in each region, with illustrations and a short description of key features. Three other guides cover distinctive groups of birds – hawks, owls, and waterfowl.

Sibley’s Backyard Birds of New England & Northern New York

Sibley’s Backyard Birds of the Mid-Atlantic & South-central States

Sibley’s Backyard Birds of the Southeast

Sibley’s Backyard Birds of Florida

Sibley’s Backyard Birds of Eastern Texas

Sibley’s Ducks, Geese, & Swans of Eastern North America

Sibley’s Owls of North America

Sibley’s Raptors of Eastern North America

15 thoughts on “New Folding Guides to birds”

  1. Saw your guides in a hardware store — by accident and spent 30 minutes looking them over. Wonderful, explicit identification guides that can be carried around easily. Seems to have a good grouping for specific areas.

  2. Love the waterproof quick guide to warblers. Very useful in the field and easy to carry. What we need now is one for sparrows. They are about as hard to identify during migrations as warblers. Hopefully you have one in the works.

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