Big Day, and Blogging hiatus

Upcoming events: I’ll be out on a fossil-fuel-free big day this coming weekend, bicycling around Concord, Massachusetts (hoping for 100 species) and I’ll try to post a report about that next week. You can sponsor me through Bird Studies Canada, or through Malkolm Boothroyd’s Bird Day Challenge.


The Blog: When I started this blog last August I didn’t have much of a plan, or much time, but it has evolved and grown, and the whole experience has been great. Thanks to all who have contributed, publicly and privately. For the last month or so I’ve had no time to work on it at all, and I expect to be equally busy for the next few months. If I find time I will post occasionally, but I look forward to having more time for it, hopefully by the end of the summer. In the meantime, why not go outside and watch some birds?

2 thoughts on “Big Day, and Blogging hiatus”

  1. Patrick Belardo

    Hi David, good luck on your big day! I’ll be helping with the Sandy Hook Bird Observatory team here in NJ for the World Series.

    As much as I love to blog, my philosophy is always “birding before blogging.”

  2. Sounds like you were planning a BIGBY big day. How did the day go?

    I am doing a walking BIGBY year here in Bloomington, IN…species seen while walking from home. Right now my species count is 107 for 2008.

    Bernie Sloan
    Bloomington, IN

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